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Bend in the Barrow

Loofah Soap Holder

Regular price
€4.00 EUR
Regular price
Sale price
€4.00 EUR
Tax included.

Loofah Soap Holders

Our Loofah Soap Holders are natural being the skeleton of the fruit of a plant related to the cucumber, courgette, pumpkin and others. The Loofah skeleton is very durable and the best thing for keeping a bar of soap dry. And, most importantly they are excellent at elevating a bar of soap and providing it with the proper conditions for draining and drying out between uses. The Loofah plant from which we cut our Loofah Soap Holders has been cultivated for thousands of years and it is not known exactly what its native land is. Albeit to say that it originated and grows best in very warm climates. Think of places like Central Africa, Mexico, Cuba, etc. In the past before brexit we purchased our Loofahs from an outlet in the UK. We are now looking for a supplier from Portugal, Italy, or Spain – countries where it is possible to grow the Loofah.